12 Reasons Why You Should Have A Newsletter

12 Reasons Why You Should Have A Newsletter

Newsletters are one of the most important marketing tools available to businesses and their customers. As a business owner, you probably know that it is vital for your business to stay in regular contact with the people who buy from you. Because you need to bring in...

Independent Solar

Company: Independent Solar

Website: solarips.com

What We Did: We were originally tasked to support SEO, but we discovered their Wordpress theme was difficult and challenging to work with. We suggested building a the site on a different more user-friendly theme. During the rebuild, we enhanced various elements, optimizing layout, improving load times, and ensuring mobile responsiveness. The result is a streamlined, visually appealing website that’s easy for the client to update and provides a polished experience for visitors interested in solar solutions.

Westborn Carwash

Company: Westborn Car Wash

Website: Westborncarwash.com

What We Did: We designed and built a custom website from the ground up for Westborn Car Wash on the Squarespace platform, fully tailored to meet their unique needs. From a modern, clean design to an intuitive layout, every page was crafted to showcase their services and deliver an engaging user experience matching their brick and mortar location. Our team ensured the site contain optimized title tags and headings, making it simple for customers to find information and connect with Westborn Car Wash. Built with their brand and customers in mind, the website supports their business goals with a polished, professional online presence that’s both visually appealing and functional.

Efshar Project

Company: Efshar Project

Website: Efsharproject.com

What We Did: We took this website under our care to provide dedicated webmaster support that aligns with their mission and marketing objectives. Understanding the unique needs of a nonprofit, we focused on enhancing the website’s functionality, ensuring a user-friendly experience that effectively communicates their vision and goals. We improved their search functionality on their website. Our ongoing support includes performance monitoring, actionable insights, and analysis support.

Colorado Railroad Museum

Company: Colorado Railroad Museum

Website: Coloradorailroadmuseum.org

What We Did:We brought the website under our care to enhance every aspect of the site, from design related matters to ensuring it operates smoothly and effectively. Our team addressed and resolved long standing issues, optimized various site components, and streamlined the layout for improved user experience. We also implemented regular maintenance, delivering ongoing analytics recordings on analysis findings and provide insights into performance and visitor engagement. Through these reports, we highlight areas for improvement, keeping the website dynamic and aligned with best practices for optimal functionality and impact.


Company: Advantary

Website: Advantary.co

What We Did: We took over website support for an investment management company using a Wix platform, focusing on enhancing functionality and ease of management for their extensive events and team pages. We ensured all pages were consistently formatted, creating a polished, professional look across the site. We also supported their Wix Collections, allowing allowing the client to make updates themselves more efficiently. By addressing design consistency, improving site organization, and integrating customized solutions, we’ve created a user-friendly, robust website that supports the client’s ongoing needs.

David Singer Health Insurance

David Singer Health Insurance

Company: David Singer Health Insurance

Website: Davidsingerhealthinsurance.com

What We Did: We designed and built this Wordpress website using the Divi theme, and provide occasional post launch support as necessary.

Kabbalah Experience

Company: Kabbalah Experience

Website: kabbalahexperience.com

What We Did: We provide post launch support, discuss website strategy, review analytics, and update and improve various pages as requested.

Gourmet Meat & Sausage Shop

Company: Gourmet Meat & Sausage Shop

Website: gourmetmeatandsausage.com

What We Did: We designed and built this new Wordpress website using the Divi theme.

Kipp Creative

Company: Kipp Creative

Website: kippcreative.com

What We Did: Client came to us with a design and we built it on Wordpress using the Divi theme.

Music on Tap

Company: Music on Tap

Website: Musicontapco.com

What We Did: We designed and built this website using Wix.

Sparks Steak House

Company: Sparks Steak House

Website: Sparkssteakhouse.com

What We Did: We designed and built this Wordpress website per client's needs, and provide ongoing post launch support.

Unparalleled Glass

Company: Unparalleled Glass

Website: Unparalleledglass.com

What We Did: We designed, built and manage this Wordpress website.

Visibility Solutions Group

Company: Visibility Solutions Group

Website: Visibilitysolutionsgroup.com

What We Did: Client provided the design, we built it on Wordpress using the Divi theme.

Malman CRE

Company: Malman Commercial Real Estate

Website: malmancre.com

What We Did: We designed, built and manage this Wordpress website.

Nourished Roots Nutrition

Company: Nourished Roots Nutrition

Website: Nourishedrootsrd.com

What We Did: We designed, built and manage this Wordpress website.

Home Style Direct

Company: Home Style Direct

Website: Homestyledirect.com

What We Did: We built this Wordress website using the Divi theme following detailed artistic direction and design.

Phoenix Strategies Colorado

Company: Phoenix Strategies Colorado

Website: phoenixstrategiescolorado.com

What We Did: We built this Wordpress website using a provided detailed custom design.

Courtesy Website Review

Our courtesy website review accomplishes two things: One, it gives us a better understanding of your website and thus a productive discovery call. Two, it gives you areas of improvement coming directly from us. We will go over our findings in the discovery call, and you will receive a digital copy.

Request Courtesy Website Review